Mix and Match Package Deals
Fun Times has Mix and Match Package Deals for when you want a “GRAND PARTY” at a Great Price! In order to get these prices we deliver, set up, show you how to operate, pack up and return. You supply adult supervision or operator for each item that requires it and all the electricity needed. We will have a person on site the entire time in case of problems.
How it works:
You get the most expensive item at Regular Price – Each additional item added to the package is 25% off its regular price.
Items to pick from:
Inflatable Slide for two hours $150.00 – each additional 60 minutes add $25.00
Inflatable Bounce House for two hours $150.00 – each additional 60 minutes add $25.00
Entertainer or clown for 60 minutes that can do any combination of the following:
Magic Show, Balloon Sculptures, Face Painting, Temporary tattoos, Character Tribute $135.00 – each additional 30 minutes add $25.00
Popcorn, or Cotton Candy or Sno-Cone – Machine Rentals for two hours with supplies for 30 people for each machine $50.00 each
Note: for rental machines add $5.00 for each additional 30 minutes
Note: If additional supplies are needed add $.35 per person per machine
Fully supplied Spin Art Machine
Description: The operator places a 5”x8” poster board card down into the machine. The guest squirts in three primary colors of soap and water Tempura Paint onto the card in their own design. Hands Back! As the operator turns on the machine and you watch as the card begins to spin the colors and design together to create a beautiful kaleidoscope design. As the machine slows a touch of Glitter is added for optimum effect! You not only get to be creative but each person gets to keep their card.
Note: Requires regular household electricity
Cost: One Hour $100.00 – Each additional 30 minutes $25.00
Small Professional PA system for playing music
Note: Requires regular household electricity
One Hour $100.00 each additional 30 minutes $25.00
Fun Times supervisors or operators
Cost: one hour $45.00 each – each additional 30 minutes $8.00
Note: In some cases one person can supervise or operate more then one item. Call Fun Times at 919-873-0180 for additional details.
Note: All price quotes are within a 30 mile radius of 5212 Old Wake Forest Rd Raleigh NC 27609 using Map Quest as a guide. Further distances will have a travel charge of a one way fee of $1.00 per mile. All travel charges apply to one way only. Example (if your party is 37 miles away from the starting point your travel charge is $7.00)